Artist: Lisa Orth

Lisa Orth is an artist from Seattle, who has worked in the past with the incredible Sub Pop Records, designing, among other things, an iconic logo for a somewhat popular band on the label. I discovered her work on the Tezos-based generative art site (fx)hash, and I’m so glad I did.
So far she has released eight projects on the platform, all of which carry a striking contrast; so far, three are in black and white and five are in color. The color pieces are bright, the pallet conveying a vintage, cool vibe. Here’s the artist from the description of Between Stations:
Blue Note jazz albums. Imaginary television color bar test patterns. It’s 1962 and anything’s possible.
I definitely get the retro feel for these. They remind me a little bit of the analog feel of Spectron by Simon de Mai from earlier this year, but with a much warmer vibe. I also love the consistency of the variation of color throughout her projects. Check out another favorite of mine by her, from another fxhash project, Hex Flex #197:

Lisa’s work continues to impress me, and it’s getting harder and harder to acquire one of her drops as they are released. Her last project, Angular Variations (Holding Space), sold out in minutes, and I had to acquire one on the secondary market for about 3x the mint price. Despite this, it was well worth it. I don’t plan on selling anytime soon, but her work continues to gain value among the fxhash ecosystem. Needless to say, I look forward to attempting to mint more of these as they are released!
For more of Lisa’s work, follow her on Twitter or find links to her work here.